The Ethics and Morality of Emulation

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

The Ethics and Morality of Emulation

Postby Thief » Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:20 am

I'd like to discuss whether or not emulation of old, out of print, titles is morally wrong and the reasons why we do, or don't, decide to emulate.

The most common justification for emulation that I run across is -- since I can't buy the game from the developers, and my money would not be going to the creators of the game, it's not hurting anyone.

I have two responses for this argument: First of all, while not a benefit to the developer, a decision to pirate a game will decrease the likely-hood that whomever has that game, and wishes to part with it, will be able to sell; and second, and in my opinion most important, is to question whether or not the inherit act of stealing is morally wrong in and of itself.

Anybody here emulate? What are your reasons for doing so and do you think it's right or wrong?
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Re: The Ethics and Morality of Emulation

Postby Crimson Ryan » Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:27 am

I've emulated Snatcher and Policenauts in the past. I don't have the funds or the patience to hunt old systems and copies of the games to play. Even if I did, the only benefit would be to the private sellers like you said. Emulating was more of a convenience if anything. And in Policenauts case, the only viable option to play the English patch..

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Re: The Ethics and Morality of Emulation

Postby MiTT3NZ » Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:25 am

Emulation itself is fine. Playing ROMs is the grey area, but I'm all for it. Besides, if there's ever a HD remake or port of a game you went through the trouble of hunting down to play on an emulator, then chances are you'd buy it, meaning more profits for the developer. After all, as has been made abundantly clear over the last few years (almost to the point of Captain Obvious-esque irritation), developers nor publishers receive any profit from used games, an chances are - if you're playing a game through an emulator - it's because it's for an obsolete system, meaning finding a brand new copy in a shop is about as likely as Cavani turning down Real Madrid to play for Scunthorpe.

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Re: The Ethics and Morality of Emulation

Postby ShenmueTree » Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:11 am

Emulation doesn't equate to stealing regardless if it's morally wrong or not. Stealing implies that it takes away, meaning there's less of one thing than there was before so it's an argument that always pisses me off.

Say, I have device that can copy your car and gives me an exact replica, is your car taken away from you? No, thus it is not theft, it is data multiplication. Is it wrong to just up and copy someones car? Most likely, but it's still not theft.
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Re: The Ethics and Morality of Emulation

Postby Thief » Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:32 am

I'm sorry but I disagree ShenmueTree. Theft is the act of taking without right or permission. In the digital age this no longer applies solely to physical things and doesn't require it to be missing from any particular "person". Another example would be plagiarism. When you steal someone else's ideas they don't cease to have those ideas. Regardless, that's just an argument of definition anyway.
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Re: The Ethics and Morality of Emulation

Postby ShenmueTree » Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:38 am

Disagree all you want, you're still incorrect, no offense. Movie and Music studios don't sue pirates because they stole, they sue because they infringed on copyright. If it were stealing, the law would say so, it doesn't.

But you disagree as to what the definition of what stealing is so really any arguing is pointless.
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Re: The Ethics and Morality of Emulation

Postby Thief » Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:48 am

No offense taken, regardless of what I consider to be theft, I'd rather discuss whether or not it's morally wrong regardless of laws, copyright infringement, theft, or whatever. But I don't think arguments of definition are pointless, just frustrating :P Things like "Is abortion murder?" have no right answer, only what you believe yourself.
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Re: The Ethics and Morality of Emulation

Postby Bluecast » Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:12 pm

Instead of of a EMU you can help the local economy go to the local mom n pop store and buy a game from them. It helps them. Helps keep others in a job.
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Re: The Ethics and Morality of Emulation

Postby OL » Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:22 pm

I used to use emulators as a way of playing games I otherwise would never have the chance of playing. I see absolutely nothing wrong with playing a translated rom of a game that was never localized, or playing one of a game that had such a low print run that the physical copy goes for hundreds of dollars now. Otherwise, I would also use them to try out games that I potentially could buy, if I came across them and liked them enough.

With all of the awful shit that happens in the world, I think it's silly to question whether something like this is morally wrong. That's just taking gaming a little too seriously for my tastes.

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Re: The Ethics and Morality of Emulation

Postby Thief » Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:52 pm

I don't know if it's so much as taking gaming too seriously but rather trying to live your life as ethical as possible, regardless of the action's severity. I think ethics is super interesting and I'm curious where people draw the line. For instance, I don't pirate music, games, or movies anymore but I still download and watch episodes of TV that I miss. I just don't have time to watch television when it's scheduled. Is that wrong? Who knows, we all have our own moral lines. Yeah, certain issues should probably take precedence but it doesn't mean others shouldn't be discussed.

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Re: The Ethics and Morality of Emulation

Postby ShenmueTree » Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:32 pm

I don't really understand why the industry gets into such a fit about piracy when it comes to network TV. I mean, it's free to watch already, if download an episode you missed, what's the problem, it's strange.
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Re: The Ethics and Morality of Emulation

Postby Bluecast » Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:36 pm

ShenmueTree wrote: I don't really understand why the industry gets into such a fit about piracy when it comes to network TV. I mean, it's free to watch already, if download an episode you missed, what's the problem, it's strange.

Ratings go down. Spsonors pull out.

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Re: The Ethics and Morality of Emulation

Postby Kenny » Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:14 pm

I'd say if the company is dead and/or no new versions are being released on current systems, have at it.

But if they re-released the game in some capacity, just buy it. Especially if it's an Indie game, you're hurting the artist by pirating unless you decide to make up by donating to them or buying their merchandise.
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Re: The Ethics and Morality of Emulation

Postby ShenmueTree » Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:21 pm

Ryudo wrote:
ShenmueTree wrote: I don't really understand why the industry gets into such a fit about piracy when it comes to network TV. I mean, it's free to watch already, if download an episode you missed, what's the problem, it's strange.

Ratings go down. Spsonors pull out.

But I already missed the show, how does torrenting it make the rating go down? It's irrelevant.
If I torrent a missed episode I'm more likely to watch the next one as it airs but if I don't, I won't be caught up and then I'll have to wait until it comes out via streaming - dvd.
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Re: The Ethics and Morality of Emulation

Postby Bluecast » Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:25 pm

ShenmueTree wrote:
Ryudo wrote:
ShenmueTree wrote: I don't really understand why the industry gets into such a fit about piracy when it comes to network TV. I mean, it's free to watch already, if download an episode you missed, what's the problem, it's strange.

Ratings go down. Spsonors pull out.

But I already missed the show, how does torrenting it make the rating go down? It's irrelevant.
If I torrent a missed episode I'm more likely to watch the next one as it airs but if I don't, I won't be caught up and then I'll have to wait until it comes out via streaming - dvd.

So wait and give them the money. No matter how you slice it piracy hurts and why we get MS to put out XBO. So for all this bitching about XBO it;s the fear of people like you that makes them paranoid to put out DRM and such. In the end it just hurts honest users. I watch streams myself but also watch the paid ones. I am guilty myself but I am not about to defend it. Just admit it's out of laziness.
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