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Re: Top Five Disney Couples

is this a direct response to the alpha male topic
by beedle
Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:29 pm
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Re: Maggie Thatcher dies

George bush did get elected twice after all, and you can't say obama is exceptional either.
by south carmain
Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:50 pm
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Re: Maggie Thatcher dies

You don't get elected 3 times for doing a terrible job. Some people obviously loved her, and it must of been in the majority if she was kept in power for so long.
But you have to look at why people get elected. Most of the time it's not because you're actually doing a good job - it's because no-one's doing a good job, and the majority of voting plebs get a superficial understanding of policies, with no comprehension of any implications, and then vote for the "party of the moment", which is largely dictated by the media and larger corporations.
by Feelers Rebo
Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:45 pm
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Re: Maggie Thatcher dies

^ I was thinking that too, but that was an extremely controversial war. I'm not sure how much support there would of been for it at the time.
maybe for the argentinians, it made her government soar in popularity at the time she needed it the most
and reducing the power and influence of trade unions. Thatcher's popularity during her first years in office waned amid recession and high unemployment, until economic recovery and the 1982 Falklands War brought a resurgence of support, resulting in her re-election in 1983.
by south carmain
Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:11 pm
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Re: North Korea clears military attack against the US.

the "link" between vaccinations and autism can fuck off. it is fucking offensive, stupid and worst of all dangerous. it is sickening and genuinely infuriating.
by beedle
Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:08 am
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Re: North Korea clears military attack against the US.

Jeff wrote:Reality must be a foreign concept to you, the news over the last 10+ years should have filled you in.

faux news or cnn?
by south carmain
Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:02 pm
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Re: Bombs in Boston

Conspiracy theorists can suck a limp rotting dick. They care nothing about the people but just want to stroke their own ego la la land tiny limp cocks. duur the govrnment durr. Fuck off and kill yourself. No seriously do the world a favor along with people in marketing get a gun and blow your fucking brains out. A thanks in advance when you do. At least the person cleaning up your brains will have contributed something.

People like to bash conspiracy theorists for our outlandish theories. We are the ones that know the answers to these events, because we have been studying this our entire lives. People have been blinded, and need to wake up to the surroundings that they call themselves a part of. What a shame it is to see how many have fallen, just for one of you to realise the honest truth for these events.

I like to split conspiracy theorists into two categories:

- The guys who question inconsistencies due to the fact that the government of any nation has a history of covering things up somewhere down the line. However, they are unfairly ridiculed because of the next group, who they themselves facepalm at...

- The guys who aren't looking for answers, but blindly believe any conspiracy theory thrown their way, despite what little evidence there is to support it (the majority of the time, there is only ever evidence against the publicly available story, not that there was a cover up or that Party A caused Event B in order to sanction Result C), then tell people who don't believe it that they're blindly believing something despite what little evidence there is to support it.

^These guys are the ones everyone hates.

As for cover-ups and all that shit, take 9/11 for example, there were a lot of things that weren't made public. That's totally understandable. Certain things will be classified. But this doesn't point to evidence that it was an inside job, it just means that aspects of the attacks are not meant to be known by the public. All that means is that the government and military are doing their job, keeping it's citizen's as safe as they possibly can without causing mass hysteria. Another reason why theories like 9/11 being an inside job are absolute bollocks is... why ? They flew into the Pentagon for fuck sakes!

Either way, a lot of people wrongly believe that conspiracy theorists instantly jump to the conclusion that the government has orchestrated an attack on it's own people, and that's not the case. That's conspiracy believers . Theorists, as their name suggests, try filling the gaps with plausible explanations. The only problem is that these type of guys are too few and far inbetween, leading to the mockery that they receive.

The likes of you though QWERTY, based on what you wrote, are in the second category. Simply by the fact that you claimed to "know the answers" suggests that you have done little to no research yourself at all, and have instead read the research of another. The researchers and theorists themselves know for a fact that they do not know, nor do they have the answers. And that's what conspiracies and cover-ups are all about. One who has not been directly informed of all the facts could not possible know, all they can do is guess based on evidence, and even then it is not 100% certain that they have reached a definitive conclusion.

Bottom line is, you're both wrong.
by MiTT3NZ
Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:50 am
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Re: Look what is for sale on ebay! ryo watch.

isn't this exactly the same one for a fraction of the price?

I need a new watch. Maybe i should look for another one of those watches :lol:
by south carmain
Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:17 am
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Re: XBox One

It seems apart from the 24 hr thing MS now have a set up similar to Steam with some other stuff that itunes and the amazon stores use so small hope they also do some Steam like deals.

They have improved recent deals on the 360 but that could be just a fire sale type thing for long time owners looking to upgrade this year?

Michael Pachter thinks publishers might actually wait a few years to start blocking used games. Personally I think they should have just worked out something better with stores, For instance no game can be traded in for its first 3-6 months on sale.[Which is when it sells the most anyways]

The Xbox One does not have a similar setup as Steam and it is a lame and stupid argument. The only thing similar is that Microsoft have built a digital distribution service, but they also tie it to psychical media that casts the illusion of game ownership.

You can not play offline on Xbox One for more than 24 hours.
You can play offline on Steam indefinitely.

You can not play the same game on at least two Xbox One consoles at the same time.
You can play the same game offline with Steam on as many PCs as you want.

There will most likely not be major sales on Xbox One. (GOD are almost the same price as new games MONTHS after release)
There are deep sales frequently on Steam. Some up to 95% off .

There will most likely not be any such thing as a Humble Bundle on Xbox One.
There are weekly and publisher focused Humble Bundles where you can set your own price point, and decide where your money goes in which you can access your game on Steam.

DRM is always required on the Xbox One.
There are games that have zero DRM on Steam, and you can even launch them while Steam is not running .

Microsoft services are the only markets for those wanting to get their games on the Xbox One, thus blocking competition.
On Steam there are various markets that offer competitive prices, forcing Steam to compete and offer better benefits.

You most likely will have to pay for a subscription service such as Xbox Live to gain any of the “features” such as digital distribution, cloud saving, playing online.
Game publishers set subscription models on Steam, a lot of them free. There's free cloud saving, and every other such benefits that Xbox One does not offer .

The Xbox One will probably cost over 300$
Steam costs 0.00$

Consoles are not known for modding (at least legitimately), and the Xbox One won't be the place to do it either.
Steam encourages modding, has SteamWorks for publishers and other free tools for developers and consumers such as free source engines, free film makers, free game tools .

The Xbox One does not offer backwards capability.
Steam offers full backwards capability , the software you have now and before will likely run on any computer as powerful or more powerful than the one it was originally installed on.

But somehow Xbox One is similar to steam. Apples are similar to oranges too, in that their fruit. Aside from that they're completely different.
by ShenmueTree
Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:20 am
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Re: Sony lists The Last Gaurdian at E3

mue 26 wrote: What the hell does "hiatus" mean. huh, HUH? :(

A synonym for shenmued.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:35 pm
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Shenmue support on Facebook

Just thought I'd bring this to the attention of anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

We all know that Shenmue is a frequent topic of "spam" on Sega's Facebook page, but the fans came out in force in response to a post about E3. If you ever wanted reassurance about the passion that exists for this series, have a browse through the comments above.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Fri Jun 14, 2013 4:40 pm
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Re: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

So after playing the beta this past weekend, im very impressed with the game in many departments. Particularly with the fact it doesnt suffer from some of the main gripes I had with other MMO's i've playn.
Here's what I enjoyed about playing the game(on PS3) and why ive already now purchased the digital verision of the game off PSN so I can play early on the 20th again.

+Classes are not set in stone. You pick your initial class and can level it to 50(level cap) but on the way or anytime after you can also level another class along with your original class. Essentially you only have to level to 50 once and simply level the "class" with questing, content and by changing your equipment. Boom Social life saved.
+Cross-platform play. People on PC and PS3 can play together. The differences between players are unnoticable. You wont know someone is a PS3 or PC player unless you asked.
+Hardly any lag. Infact none encountered on my end and I have pretty slow speeds around 3mb/s-10mb's.
+Controls are actually very fitting for the PS3 and I could say I almost prefer to play on controller vs mouse and keyboard when comparing it to my past MMO experiences. Button layout once learned, makes sense and is easy enough to access quickly when needed. In my case I also picked up the PS3 wireless keypad attatchment that hooks onto the Dualshock 3. Making typing a very quick and easy affair.
+Combat in just killing random mobs and questing is actually fun and a huge huge huge positive is you can actually share the kills made with other random players regardless if they are in your party or not. For anyone else that has played an MMO this is going to be a huge stress reliever. I cant tell you how many times ive raged quit WoW or SWTOR over other players in the area stealing my kills by hitting first a hogging all the mobs. Now aslong as you've hit the mob once, anyone else can join in and share that kill and it's items. WIN!
+You dont have to pick up items from dead mobs. They just automatically get picked up and put in your inventory. A huge time saver.
+The graphics are beautiful on PS3 and from the video's ive seen of PC, even better on there. I was really impressed by these graphics considering most MMO's tone back on graphics to help alliviate other technical aspects of the game but playing this makes it feel like any other high end console RPG.
+The game is coming to PS4 next year! So anyone who wants to play on PS3 like me, can still enjoy the fact you will continue to play a current gen game on a next gen system. The PS4 will feature a graphical update to PC level graphics and I think ive even heard the PC version will adopt the PS4 version graphics down the line because the improvement will be a significant upgrade.
+The soundtrack is beautiful. I could listen to it all day.
+The quests are quick and easy enough to progress in leveling at a enjoyable pace. I leveled from 1 to 12 in probably only about ~8 hours of actual gameplay.
+Voice acting during main story quests
+No random PVP encounters with someone killing you while questing. PVP is a seperate affair in arenas.
+Everyone is on the same faction. Servers are united as one.

Early Access for those who pre-order starts on the 20th. Game launches fully for everyone else on the 27th.

I'm on the server/realm " Ultros " if anyone wants to join me.
And please do, it would be cool to have a Dojo guild.
by Axm
Mon Aug 19, 2013 3:50 pm
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Re: Tales Series

Just hit level 80, found all the mystical jewels and about to beat the secret dungeons final boss tomorrow.

Brilliant game, had a blast with it. Very excited for Xillia 2 now, shame it's so far away.

*spoiler about final boss*
Played through the whole game on moderate, and fought the final boss at around level 60-65 or so. Fought them for a good hour, and could not take out Muzet. Her healing is insane, stopping me from killing her or Gauis. I reluctantly turned it down to normal, and it became incredibly easy. Hardest Tales Of final boss to date. Gonna give it another shot once i take the golden knight down.

Hope you guys enjoyed the game as much as me.

I enjoyed it tremendously. I played it on hard and was very surprised/disappointed there was no trophy for it after I spent and hour and twenty five minutes on the final battle. I kept waiting for the "Dude, you beat this shit on HARD!" trophy to pop but it never did LOL

*serious spoilers, you've been warned*
You're right, that was the hardest Tales of final boss ever. So I killed Muzet about 35 minutes or so into it, and I started throwing everything I had at Gauis and then BAM some how she used an arte called Recall I think, and brought herself back to life. They would then go on these two minute spam fests and I could do nothing but watch as my party's life drained away. Very satisfying when I finally beat them though.

It was a great ending, but sort of sad too. Being as they found a solution to all their problems it didn't have to end with Milla staying a spirit. She could of returned as a human, especially after her and Jude basically admitted how they felt at the end when they held hands. It definately has me excited for ToX2, I can't stop wondering about all the possibilities.
by Raithos
Sat Sep 21, 2013 7:49 am
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

Well, just gotten back from Manchester Play Expo near the Trafford Centre (another fine year of retro games and Dark Souls II, Zelda: A Link Between Worlds & Assassin's Creed on PS4 were all playable too!) Whilst I was there, I bought some fine gems (immediately bought any From Software & Cavia games that I could see). I spoiled maybe a little too much, spoilers everywhere:
by Henry Spencer
Sun Oct 13, 2013 2:42 pm
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I trust MS with my penis info. Its the future of gaming.
by Axm
Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:29 am
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Re: How to bring back my wife?

mrslig100 wrote: Tell her your too good to be wasted on her!

this, bad grammar always gets bitches wet.
by south carmain
Mon Nov 25, 2013 5:05 pm
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Re: Shenmue Dojo Member of the Month

Hai guyz!

Sorry for the delay, I'm obviously a bit busy what with being all the way over on the other side of the world right now, but the votes have been counted and I am now ready to announce the winner of the Shenmue Dojo Member of the Month for December 2013.

Drum roll please...








... and the winner is...

... *opens envelope*


...with a simply massive 476 votes in favour!

Thanks a lot guys, it really means a lot to me to win this award two months on the trot.

Here is a sample of a few of the votes that I received...

I would like to nominate QWERTY for member of the month. He has shown a consistent level of charm, wit and charisma that I can only wish to ever replicate. He is undoubtedly the saviour of this forum and I for one am truly thankful that he continues to grace us with his presence. Bravo, QWERTY.

QWERTY is without any hesitation the most alpha male person I have ever encountered on a forum. His posts exude power, intelligence and a charmingly rambunctious style that makes a simple beta like myself weep with envy. I love you.

Thanks, boys.
Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:31 am
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Re: How do you picture Shenmue III in your mind?

Big fear for me aswell that it could turn out to be shitty. But id take a shitty Shenmue 3 any day over no Shenmue 3. If atleast the story comes from Yu Suzuki we can still call it Shenmue.
by Axm
Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:08 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

I imagine announcing it is a lot better for him than all the rumors that would generate if he didn't.

Most people could tell the guy was gay the first time they heard him speak. I remember some girl back when I was at college was obsessed with him and pretty much everyone was shocked that she couldn't see how camp he was. Then again I don't think she was all there in the head as she was quite an odd girl.

I hope the guy is happy but there's no need to 'come out' to the public it just stinks of attention seeking. Someone said that he has a new show in a few weeks so he's obviously after a few viewers. I remember when Ricky Martin came out it was just a little before he had a new album. I appreciate people more when they don't feel the need to play the celebrity game to get more attention. You have someone like Kevin Spacey who is gay and he just keeps to himself and doesn't feel the need to make a Youtube video to tell his fans. When someone has to run to the press to announce this kind of private thing I can't help but think they're a little desperate for attention.
by Riku Rose
Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:26 pm
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Re: Ryo in All-Stars Racing Transformed? (Finally?)

Stocke wrote: Personally can't stand yogcast, but at least it's for charity.

at least it isn't pewdiepie
by south carmain
Wed Dec 04, 2013 2:16 pm
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Re: Tales Series

Looks in the vein of Xenoblade almost... big open world with a char running around in it. Doesnt look like encounters on the field will go to another combat screen, it might be in real time. This intrigues me.
by AnimeGamer183
Thu Dec 12, 2013 5:25 pm
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Re: Tales Series

Yeah saw some videos this morning of it, looks really good. I can't believe we are getting this many Tales games back to back. The PS3 is going out strong with Xillia 2, Chronicles HD, Persona 5 (playing 4 on vita and its so god damn fun) and now Tales of ZestyItalianDressing all being exclusives. From what I've read its supposed the first worldwide release of a Tales game. If sales continue to be strong this might be a turning point for us RPG fans in the US/EU as far as Namco is concerned. At the very least we might not have to worry about them getting localized or not any more.
by Raithos
Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:05 pm
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Ryo in Sega All Star Racing Transformed (Images/Gifs)

Last year fans prevailed in a competition to get Ryo into Sega All Star Racing Transformed. We can now confirm his character is playable in the game. This time Ryo is racing with classic arcade cabinets like Outrun and Hang-on. Source: NeoGAF

Animated Gifs : OutRun Arcade Cabinet Vehicle | Hang-On Arcade Cabinet/Jet Ski
Images: OutRun Arcade Racer | Hang-On Arcade Jet Ski | Character Select |
by Ziming
Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:54 pm
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Re: Ryo in All-Stars Racing Transformed? (Finally?)

What a jip. We ask for Hatsune Miku and they give us a fat ginger and some Japanese wannabe James Dean.

edit: oops wrong forum.
by Rakim
Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:05 am
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Re: What would your reaction be if it was released?

Stocke wrote: Embrace that closure is coming, and then break down because i'd have to find something else to obsess over.

A cliffhanger ending for Shenmue 3. No Shenmue 4 in the near future.
by Yokosuka Martian
Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:15 pm
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Re: NeoGAF: New Japanese trademark from Sega (Shenmue)

I think alot of you are taking this too harshly. Id rather them make jokes like this, recognizing the fan base as rabid die hards then completely ignoring us. I LOL'ed hard at the Whale joke.
by Axm
Sun May 25, 2014 6:40 am
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Re: Empireonline Top 100 Games

For those that don't want to do work: ... ?title=100

I'm glad that they put in Shenmue, especially at such a high spot, but I still have to complain and say that Shenmue 2 is the better game.
by Rakim
Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:29 pm
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