KS Update #32 - Capsule Blowout and more!

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

Re: KS Update #32 - Capsule Blowout and more!

Postby EverybodyLovesRen » Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:19 pm

I kind of don't get why everyone is flipping out. Yeah, I dropped my pledge from 1500 to 1200, but I really like toy capsule reward better. I feel like its a better and more unique value for money. But I love having the options. And I might just make another account and grab another 300 reward. : shrug :

Yeah what's included in confusing, but it seems like the reward description on the main page is completely updated. So it's not THAT confusing to me. It's a little messy, but the only people really considering these top tiers are huge fans like us. So I imagine we'll figure it out. :)
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Re: KS Update #32 - Capsule Blowout and more!

Postby shredingskin » Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:23 pm

EverybodyLovesRen wrote: But I love having the options. And I might just make another account and grab another 300 reward. : shrug :

Yeah what's included in confusing, but it seems like the reward description on the main page is completely updated. So it's not THAT confusing to me. It's a little messy, but the only people really considering these top tiers are huge fans like us. So I imagine we'll figure it out. :)

Yeah, but some of these options don't make a lot of sense like the 3 wishes, names, births on temples, 3 types of "being a toy". They all seem pretty damn similar, and the thing is that they've made higher tiers include less content just because those were improvised in the run kinda sucks.
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Re: KS Update #32 - Capsule Blowout and more!

Postby EverybodyLovesRen » Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:35 pm

Honestly the wishes and characters and name/birthdays and all those temple related things - I think Yu is just trying to find a way to make the temples more realistic, as in real life they tend to be full of those kinds of things. Small variations don't bother me because of this theory of mine. though I have to admit how they decide the value is baffling.

I think the 3 toy capsule tiers are ok. They get progressively more awesome and cater to different budgets.

And yeah... I don't see why they don't include the $800 tier in all the higher ones. It doesn't sound expensive to make. The $1200+ I can understand the uniqueness factor and why they don't go in tiers higher than themselves.
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Re: KS Update #32 - Capsule Blowout and more!

Postby kanso » Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:48 pm

EverybodyLovesRen wrote: I kind of don't get why everyone is flipping out. Yeah, I dropped my pledge from 1500 to 1200, but I really like toy capsule reward better. I feel like its a better and more unique value for money. But I love having the options. And I might just make another account and grab another 300 reward. : shrug :

Yeah what's included in confusing, but it seems like the reward description on the main page is completely updated. So it's not THAT confusing to me. It's a little messy, but the only people really considering these top tiers are huge fans like us. So I imagine we'll figure it out. :)

Well, I cannot speak for every single backer, but for me, personally, I'm not flipping out. Rather, as a fan that is doing the most I can financially to make this a reality (similar to my fellow fans), I am a bit concerned. And it is not that I'm concerned about what stuff I get. I do not feel entitled to any of this. I feel it is good on them for creating rewards that will motivate new backers—and this is where the bigger picture has to be realized...

As a backer, like the 50,000+ other backer, I feel invested in this because I am invested in this—not just emotionally—financially too. Technically, we are all investors/potential investors in this project. The difference between us and a traditional investor like Shibuya Productions (for example) is that we're not looking for financial return for our offerings to grow our business/business interests. Rather, our return is the product. We all want 1 main thing: Shenmue III and not just any Shenmue III. We want a good, solid, Shenmue III that continues the story/series/franchise and communicates Yu Suzuki's vision. A game that we would be proud to share with others just as we have with the first 2 installments. And I know this is the case because we, the community, have done and are doing initiatives like #SaveShenmue, #30onthe3rd, #TheFinalBlow, etc.

So knowing and understanding this situation, it is crucial that the Kickstarter be a massive success (as it has been so far in several ways). Why? Well to put it simply: More funds = More freedom for the development team to fulfill their project goals. And if they achieve those goals, our money was well-pledged. The way we get more funds is to get new backers. Yes, existing backers may put more down; but a Kickstarter campaign cannot assume or even hope that the initial backers will suddenly double, triple, or quadruple their initial pledge. If anything, you have to assume that the initial pledge they make is the max they're going to give you. Anything extra is just that—extra. And you can do things that encourages giving more like add new tiers, which they have. But that shouldn't be taken too far.

Now, when there is a smattering of 30+ (confusing) rewards, it can affect the campaign negatively. And yes, dedicated fans like us who spend hours looking at forums, posts, articles, videos, discussions, the Kickstarter page, etc will eventually figure all this out and pick out a tier and pledge what we can. But a majority of newcomers will not do that. I guarantee you that.

Ask any marketing and advertising expert. You have a limited window to get the attention of said newcomer, speak to that newcomer, and convince that newcomer to jump on board/take action. We, the Shenmue community, waited 14+ years for this. Our attention spans are pretty solid when we know we're getting our most coveted video game wish. But the new person (who is looking at other appealing games/projects as welland caught drift of the post-E3 hype) may visit the Kickstarter page and immediately navigate out when he sees 30+ tiers, errors on a page, redundancies, confusion, etc.

[tl;dr] Basically, it is not all doom and gloom. I'm personally not flipping out. However, if we're sitting here with 7 days remaining and still asking campaign-related questions and having this discussion—what about the fresh faces that haven't pledged any funds yet? They'll likely hesitate to pledge or leave; and if that's the case, we all lose, because that is money and potential backers lost. So we shouldn't depend on or be satisfied with just our own perseverance to figure out things that should be simple. We should talk about these things, come up with possible solutions, and send as much constructive feedback to Awesome Japan/Kickstarter team and Cedric/Shibuya Productions. Shenmue III most-likely has 1 chance to be a reality. And this is it.

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Re: KS Update #32 - Capsule Blowout and more!

Postby James Brown » Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:23 am

That's basically it. I'm happy to spend $1500, but since the new tiers they have added there's so much confusion regarding which reward to pick out of. I'm paying more than these lower tiers, and was over the moon to get something so unique and intimate as getting my photo in the game to cherish forever - but since the $600 tier has been added, this photo aspect is now basically the value of $900, and even though we are all wanting to fund this game, it now seems a massive price. I dropped a grab bag tier, which is a watch, a hand drawn illustration and a random item to spend an additional $500, to not get any of those items, and just get a photo in the game in exchange. Not only that, but now i'm missing out on 2 seemingly unique technique scrolls, a physical calligraphy print, and my name in various locations.

I want and will give this game $1500, but these rewards are designed in a way to feel like you're missing out on stuff, and kind of wanting to spend less money to get more? It just doesn't make any sense to me. The best thing they could have done is just include the $800 tier in all the higher ones, and just include the extra technique scroll from the $1200 one - if the reason they've split the tiers is the cost on the calligraphy print. That way it'd be really hard to find anyone disappointed with spending a huge amount more, because the value is then on what kind of ingame fan service you prefer, rather than missing out on stuff that you only have the opportunity to get right now.
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Re: KS Update #32 - Capsule Blowout and more!

Postby Yokosuka » Sat Jul 11, 2015 3:45 pm

One S10 000 "Be a Shenmue 3 NPC" reward is available.
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Re: KS Update #32 - Capsule Blowout and more!

Postby yuc02 » Sun Jul 12, 2015 3:41 am

My principle is to always keep my pledge amount. I can afford $1500 so went for the I am Shenmue one initially, but since this week was more attracted to the capsule toy one, so decided to open another account to keep my pledge total the same. Heck I might bump the other up to make $2000 total.

I understand people have different financial positions, so don't blame anyone if they had to lower pledges, but remember - this could be your ONCE IN A LIFETIME chance to help Suzuki-san!

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Re: KS Update #32 - Capsule Blowout and more!

Postby shredingskin » Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:41 am

Do you think they can make me with my guitar and Nozomi ?

I'm really tempted.
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Re: KS Update #32 - Capsule Blowout and more!

Postby Riku Rose » Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:59 pm

Honestly they should have just had the capsule toys priced somewhere between $500-$1000, you'd sell so many more than the capsule toy pledge has now. You already had Sega executives as capsule toys so I don't think it would be that weird to just have a machine somewhere with the Kickstarter collection. The jacket is also something else that I think would have sold a lot more and brought in even more money had it been a third of the price. The pricing for all the pledges just feel like they where decided by a bipolar person.

I really hope they can make this all seem natural and not in your face like Chewbacca in Revenge of the Sith. There was a serious lack of rewards before hand but now you have so many and the majority sound quite bad and like they will distracting.
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Re: KS Update #32 - Capsule Blowout and more!

Postby NismoZZzz » Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:39 pm

Initially had $1500, been trying to justify that cost for over 2 weeks now and I just can't. I just paid off all my credit cards and do not want to start back up with this. I went down to the $700 dice award since I can sell enough stuff lying around to pay for that.. Could care less about some lame technique scroll at $800. Least my face will be drawn on a toy and I can write a sexy passage in a guestbook.
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