Review The Last Game You Beat

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Postby Tomato Convenience Store » Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:03 pm

The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition: 8/10. Really funny of course, love the pirate theme, game was a bit on the short side though. People also complain about the new art direction but I think it's pretty awesome. Well, that's coming from someone who's never played the original.

Condemned: Criminal Origins 8.3. Really immersive, pretty messed up game. It had one of the biggest shit-inducing moments ever when

you track down the gym teacher who's had his lips and arm torn off. You open the locker and it looks like he's dead, so you start to take pictures for evidence when suddenly he looks up, grabs your arm and yells for help.

The combat isn't perfect and I suppose it could have used more variety in the levels but the game never felt like it dragged on. Another complaint I agree with is the linearity of the evidence collection, which I heard they fixed in 2 (though I also heard the story goes a bit off the deep end).

EDIT: hopefully no one saw the spoiler when I fucked up the tag. DOJO won't let me edit quickly :D
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Postby OL » Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:11 am

Soul Blazer (SNES) - Fun little action-rpg from Enix. The plot is basically that the entire world has been traded away by a greedy king to the Devil, and you, as an agent of God, must defeat demons and restore the world, piece by piece.
If it weren't for the cutesy colorful visuals, you could almost call it post-apocalyptic. When you start the game, there is no one around, in the entire world. Essentially, you have to travel through dungeon after dungeon, searching for small portals protected by demons. After defeating all the demons at a particular portal, you restore another piece of the world, be it a person, a house, a plant, or an animal.
And that's it.
That's the whole game.
Ten hours of killing monsters, leveling up, and restoring the world.
That probably sounds pretty repetitive. And you know what?
It is.
But that didn't stop me from enjoying it. Somehow, I kept wanting to see what I was going to restore to the world next. And through all the repetitive hacking and slashing, that kept me going.
Will I play through it again?
Maybe. Not anytime soon, that's for sure. Play through it once, and you've pretty much seen the whole thing.
Overall, it was fun. Nothing amazing, nothing groundbreaking. Just a cool, humble little Zelda-clone.

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Postby Kenny » Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:42 pm

Playing Whiplash again.

Its so repetitive its boring me...
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Postby Vyse Hazuky » Sat Jul 25, 2009 5:40 am

Way of the Samurai - I had wanted to try this game for a long time, long before I even had a PS2. And, after that it still took me some time to get it, but I did manage to get one recently, and it was sealed and everything, joy.
On with it: The main draw of the game is to play multiple times, because what you do and don't do, affect how the story unfolds, much more than in, say, Raw Danger or Shadow of Destiny, sometimes just being at a certain place at a certain time has an outcome, but of course, choices based on text options are present as well. The story takes place in just two days and revolves around Rokkotsu pass, and more or less 4 factions. On one side there's the Kurou family that are historically the rulers of the pass. Then there's the Akadama clan, who are ruled by the Kurou boss' illegitimate son and want to bring back samuraidom ruling to Japan. Then there's the Meiji government (who historically ended the shogunates, this is XIX century) who intend to take control of the pass. In the middle of it all are the people who Rokkotsu, mainly a restaurant, a foundry, a swordsmith and a railroad track.
To get the full understanding of what's going on, you really have to play through it at least twice. Thankfully, and while I did only beat the story on my third try (because when you die, it's really gameover and you have to start from the beggining, oops), you can play through the game in about 1 hour and 30 minutes, which is perfect, as you can do it all in one sitting.
What I liked the most about it, is how the characters, in small number, and the situation, resembled so much a play, in that they were quite multidimensional, and while some were holier than others, everything was justifiable and it all made sense. Tough but fair, weak but honourable.
What I didn't enjoy as much was that it included some atmosphere breaking elements. The whole of Akadama clan dress up in a typical JRPG fashion (and haircuts) and the inclusion of an english woman and an afro samurai was also more or less weird hehe.
A final note for the music. While there aren't many different tracks (after all, a single playthrough is very short) I found them to be quite interesting choices. It ranges from very pleasing more or less epic tunes to a very Shenmue-like ambience tune, to traditional japanese music, and the battle theme is also an atmosphere breaker, using a more rock-ish tune with guitars (spanish and electric), but this, as a whole, gave it a certain flair and made it stand out from other games rooted in historical Japan like... Ôkami or Cosmology of Kyoto, for instance.

All in all a nice surprise (it didn't exactly get stellar reviews) and an interesting game to enjoy.
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Postby OL » Sat Jul 25, 2009 10:33 am

^^Love that game. I need to add it back to my collection at some point (can't remember what happened to it before), but I remember beating it and getting every ending back in the day. Really fun swordplay, and the usual ending fights against the imperial army are fucking epic.
I agree about the atmosphere-breaking elements, though; the game would have been so much better if it felt entirely authentic rather than unnecessarily over-the-top. The samurai with the afro killed it most for me.
What I remember most about the game, though, is how pissed I was when I found out that in the Japanese version, there was a way to play as Manji from Blade of the Immortal, while in the US version, that secret was omitted.
Blade of the Immortal is one of my favorite mangas (and I like so very few japanese comics), and playing as Manji would have made the game that much better. But no, just because he has what most people would interpret as a swastika on his back (which it's not, anyway), they took out what would have been one of my favorite secrets in a game ever.
Those bastards.
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Postby Atlantean » Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:49 pm

Metal Slug 3 (for the Neo Geo) - 8/10

The game's awesome, it has amazing sprites, and an amazing level of attention to detail. It's addictive and fun, and the vehicles are a nice addition. However, with only 6 levels, it feels really short, and the difficulty level can be unforgiving and frustrating, up to the point of making a level feel old fast.

Even still, it's an awesome game.
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Postby Riku Rose » Thu Aug 06, 2009 8:09 pm

Final Fantasy IX (PS) 9/10

Man do I love this game and if I did points it would be a 9.5.
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Postby Nordic Fortune » Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:00 am

Just beat Wild Metal for Dreamcast last night...that one's ummm...6/10

Pretty entertaining once you get the hang of things, but lack of depth in the game, no music (:s), pretty easy, but 21 levels that would last 30+ minutes made the game last a while. I guess that last one either makes or breaks the game for people.

Oh, and anticlimactic ending for someone who saved the human race. I mean the ending scene was alright but the final boss(es) were big pansies.
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Postby Riku Rose » Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:17 pm

Professor Layton 1: 9/10

Really good fun and puzzles get very hard at the end.

Halo Wars: 7/10

At first thought it was great but gets to samey.
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Postby Tomato Convenience Store » Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:13 pm

Shadow Complex: 9/10

Some small control issues like wall jumping and aiming on enemies in the background, but it's a fun game to play and the upgrades are totally addictive. It took me about 11 hours to beat the game while getting all the collectables.

I wish the story had a bigger role in the game. It seems like they were trying to make it a selling point but it was hardly there. I'm guessing it's because recorded dialogue can take up a bunch of space and the game was already a 886 MB download (or something like that).

Actually, if the audio files were compressed they could have about 20 minutes of dialogue take up about 20 MB of space, so maybe that's NOT a reason, haha.
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Postby lovemetal07 » Sat Sep 05, 2009 1:31 am

Policenauts English Translation - 9/10, some very broken engrish parts
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Postby redline » Sun Sep 06, 2009 10:56 am

fallout 3 on the box360, good game but it has flat ending

i would give it 8/10
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Postby Jokatech19 » Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:46 am

beat lost planet for 360. i finally grew an appreciation for the story near the end and the ending was good. Nice game! 8.9/10. Now to beat MGS: Portable Ops, and Socom Fireteam Bravo 2!
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Postby Henry Spencer » Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:02 pm

lovemetal07 wrote:Policenauts English Translation - 9/10, some very broken engrish parts

Where? It's the best fan translation I've ever seen for a game, ever (yes, better then that Mother 3 translation). The guy who translated it has been translating for a living for many years now. There's not a single instance of engrish in the game.

And I'd give the game a 9.5/10 one of my new favourites, it blew me away. And it wasn't for the reasons I thought it would, since it's a very different game in style and tone from anything else Kojima has ever done (which lead some Snatcher fans into disappointment).
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Postby Riku Rose » Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:20 pm

Batman Arkham Asylum 9/10

Amazing game just wish it was longer as it was over to soon.
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