Random Thoughts! v2.0

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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby KiBa » Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:21 am

Sonikku wrote: So are you saying that Romney is the kind of economic powerhouse mastermind that kept Massachusetts thriving the same way he will at the national level, or that Mass voters calculated a scheme of leeching the most federal funding so they can eat their cake and have it too while everyone else goes bankrupt?

The latter. But as I also said, this election has nothing to do with the economy, but moral destiny, for which the economy is only a safe cover.

KiBa wrote: Massachusetts generally votes for Republican governors and Democrat presidents.

Sonikku wrote: That still doesn't explain why Santorum very nearly beat Romney for his own state in the primaries before going bat shit crazy on JFK/ultra conservative insanity.

Ah, most perceptive, sahib. Allow me explain. The Massachusetts Republicans who take part in the primary are not voting for a Massachusetts governor, but a President of the United States. Only pro-abortion, left-wing Republicans can get elected to office in Massachusetts, because the commonwealth is dominated by Democrats who desire fiscal conservatism and moral liberalism. However, Massachusetts Republican voters are the same as Republican voters everywhere. Ergo, they desire a fiscally and morally conservative candidate for President. When Romney was governor of Massachusetts, he was a Republican only in name. On all essential points, he was a moderate Democrat. He was pro-abortion and pro-socialized healthcare, and implemented the latter in Massachusetts. Therefore, while Romney was the best Republicans could hope for in Massachusetts, they did not want him to rise to the Republican Presidential nomination. Now that he has, every Massachusetts Republican will naturally vote for him, for they have no other choice.

P.S. I use the words "liberal" and "conservative" in the colloquial sense. In truth, they have no real meaning besides "anti-Christian" and "Christian," respectively, in regard to moral values, and less and less relevance to the current mindset of the people. The other important issues of small government versus large government, totalitarianism versus limited government, unitary versus federal organization, globalism versus protectionism, interventionism versus isolationism, concentration of capital versus distribution of capital, etc. are not serious issues up for debate, as if there were two solid sides. Rather, the current parties are in the middle of a confused crisis on all these points. The only thing being voted on, in general, is moral values. Whether you favor one or the other candidate is based on his proximity to your moral vision. Practical plans of action for the, say, the economy, are not at issue here. Rather, the economy is slapped like a shuttlecock in order to avoid talking about what may be offensive, even if that is precisely what now divides Americans.
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Bluecast » Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:26 am

It's my right. I don't have to. I hate politics so much I love to hate it. People get too mean about then grill everyone for why they picked one guy and not another. It divides people too much. Why I don't like getting into it. The minute I mailed my vote was the minute I am done even thinking about the election win or lose. Politics piss me off because I hate them so much.
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby KiBa » Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:31 am

I'm glad you don't think about it, or let it irritate you.
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Bluecast » Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:33 am

At the gorcery store wearing my Darksiders II t shirt I hear a guy go "WOO JOE MAD" So made me smile :)
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Kenny » Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:52 am

Ryudo wrote: It's my right. I don't have to. I hate politics so much I love to hate it. People get too mean about then grill everyone for why they picked one guy and not another. It divides people too much. Why I don't like getting into it. The minute I mailed my vote was the minute I am done even thinking about the election win or lose. Politics piss me off because I hate them so much.

And it's my right to argue my position, as much as Sonniku's, Kiba's, and everyone else. Little thing called freedom of speech, it's pretty wonderful. If you like making decisions without thinking about the reprecussions, good for you. But if I wanna argue why it's a dumb thing to do, I can.

You're not in a position to arbitrarily say "no arguing, that's that" and have everyone fall in line anymore. You do have a right to your opinion but so does everyone else. Don't want to participate? Fine, then don't participate. And its perfectly possible to have a civil discussion about it without taking things so personally.
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Bluecast » Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:54 am

KiBa wrote: I'm glad you don't think about it, or let it irritate you.

Everywhere I go people barate me for voting for my choice. At this point I ignore all of them. Don't bother reading them or listening to them. It's white noise and like I said when I am done with something I am just done. Every job I left I was just done and left, Every place I lived when I was done I just left. People I didn't like I was done. When I left school I was just done and never look back. Just part of who I am. Same for this election I am done. It's over for me. I no longer give a shit. Politics brings the worst out in all people. So they chastise others and call it a debate when really it's just mocking and telling them how stupid or wrong they are.

BTW this never gets old

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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Kenny » Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:50 am

I'm on a roll writing, but i'm starving now.
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Who Really Cares? » Tue Nov 06, 2012 6:17 am

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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Mitsuzuki » Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:57 am

The trouble with politics is that it's so hard to really get to the truth of matters. For every argument for one side, there are an ample supply of counterarguments for the other.

I understand that for Americans, getting the economy on track and getting the deficit and debt under control is their primary concern. Romney might seem the likely candidate because of his extensive business background. What I don't understand is how the man can be trusted because of his repeated and obvious use of flip-flopping. Then there's the matter of him not disclosing tax returns prior to 2010, with strong suggestions that he's used loopholes to pay taxes that were within legality but well outside ethical boundaries.

To be honest, I'm not sure why this race is even close.

For anyone interested, many of us folks here north of the border would love to see Obama keep his job. A random survey of over 1700 people shows a clear and decisive preference:

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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby ThyDarkAngel » Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:02 am

wude wrote:
mue 26 wrote:
ThyDarkAngel wrote:
I lied about still being employed out of shame and guilt for having such a crappy life, just that.

I don't know if I was calling for help as in a 'raise me the funds to prevent it from happening' sort of thing.
Mostly I needed to talk with somebody.
I would not need 500 euros. 300 would be enough to get me a shaddy bedroom and hot water for a month plus enough food to survive. I don't know how we could do such a thing, nor will I beg/demand/ask whatever from you guys.
I praise your friendship and/or companionship as is.

Your out on the streets? Where are you currently sleeping?

I think we should do everything we can help darky :sad:

Found a place that lets me have unlimited internet time for 2 euros. Will try to log in more often. Yesterday I paid 2 euros for a hour.

Your thoughts alone are cherised behind this stange looking glass I'm reaching you from.

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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:04 pm

alive, finally got heat and internet back.

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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Crimson Ryan » Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:14 pm

ThyDarkAngel wrote:Found a place that lets me have unlimited internet time for 2 euros. Will try to log in more often. Yesterday I paid 2 euros for a hour.

Your thoughts alone are cherised behind this stange looking glass I'm reaching you from.

It's great to hear from you again =D>

Saw someone on the bus today wearing the Hazuki Insert Coin hoody. If I had a chance to, I would of asked if he visits Shenmue Dojo :P Oh, and sailors..

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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Yokosuka Martian » Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:07 pm

I swear new and old members keep coming out of the woods erryday
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:11 pm

Segata Sanshiro Jr. wrote: alive, finally got heat and internet back.

the Rockstar money wasnt enough to cover everything? What are you working on right now anyway?
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:26 pm

It was hurricane sandy. Pretty much wiped out parts of New Jersey, Staten and Long Islands, Far Rockaway, a piece of downtown Manhattan (where I live) and started some hardcore fires that took out whole neighborhoods in Queens.

My building is solid so I was ok (though a powerplant nearby had a bunch of conduits that exploded) we lost all out utilities and most of the food in the area was either contaminated or waterlogged (they're still clearing out markets)

it got so bad i had to leave the city for a few days. Everything is up and running but I (and most other people here) can't vote because we're about to be hit with another (much much smaller) storm, the need for food has people hitting up every market that got a shipment today, and the fact that most of the polling sites are closed means theres confusion among districts, misinformation and just too many people at each site.

Still it could be a lot worse, I made a run to Staten Island with some military rations and water to give out and theres parts that got totaled. House burnt down, then swept away by water, then looted, its like escape from New York.

As for work, couldn't get much done to be honest, I'm now finally able to verify my builds and have my vita running TiBC again. Its on track for this summer with an announcement in about march and a playable demo in the spring.

I also started building long terms solutions for development, so once TiBC ep 1 is finished, free DLC and more episodes will come out faster and have more shit in em. (plus it'll make development of other games WAYYYY easier)

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