Batman Arkham Origins

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Re: Batman Arkham Origins

Postby Riku Rose » Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:09 pm

Troy Baker the actor playing the Joker in this showed off his voice with a monologue from the Killing Joke.

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Re: Batman Arkham Origins

Postby MiTT3NZ » Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:24 pm

Ugh, one of the most overrated graphic novels of all time. Alan Moore's nowhere near as good as peeps make out.

But yeah, he's very good. He'll probably get a lot of shit for mimicking Hamill, but that's what he's supposed to be doing.

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Re: Batman Arkham Origins

Postby Crimson Ryan » Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:07 pm

New assassin revealed at NYCC. I'll spoiler it with the new trailer. Not someone I've heard of before..

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It's the Electrocutioner. His weapon is the shock gloves. Looks like he electrocutes the floor you stand on to attack. Must be similar to those challenge maps from Arkham Asylum..
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Re: Batman Arkham Origins

Postby Perfect_Chaos » Sat Oct 26, 2013 12:20 am

guys ive been reaading the reviews of this game online and theyre not to good, but take it from me, based on what ive played thus far it is very under-rated

EDIT: not good reviews as in compared to the reviews of the first two
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Re: Batman Arkham Origins

Postby OL » Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:00 am

I haven't read a single one, but I think if it's not getting the greatest of reviews, it's just because it's quite a bit like the first two. Honestly, it does feel like kind of an add-on for Arkham City. There's not a lot that's different up to the point I'm at, aside from it being a new story.
But you know what? That's really quite alright with me. I loved Arkham City, and the only thing I wanted when it was over was more content. And that's exactly what this is. I think it's great.

Best thing about it so far, in my eyes, is the cast of characters. I love that it has villains like Firefly, Anarky, Deathstroke, and Deadshot in it. DC Comics has such an incredible wealth of fun characters and villains in their pantheon that it's always been a little disappointing to constantly see the same small handful revisited over and over in every project outside of the comics themselves. I mean, sure, Joker and Riddler and whatnot are in this one too, but it's really nice seeing some others get adapted as well.
Only disappointment so far in this regard is that
Deathstroke might be down for the count already. One single fight, right near the beginning of the game, and the character profiles section is listing him as "captured." I really hope he shows up again; he was one of the biggest reasons I was excited about the game. Slade Wilson is effing awesome, and he deserves to be held up as a grander threat than just some guy who shows up for five minutes before disappearing entirely. That just ain't right.

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Re: Batman Arkham Origins

Postby Crimson Ryan » Sat Oct 26, 2013 2:50 pm

Fuck me, did anyone else get really bad game lag at the docks? Almost unplayable..
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Re: Batman Arkham Origins

Postby OL » Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:07 pm

It lags in some places, but it always clears up after a few seconds. Loading, I guess? Hasn't been too much of a problem for me.
What version are you playing?
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Re: Batman Arkham Origins

Postby Crimson Ryan » Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:11 pm

This went on for an entire area. It was ridiculous. I even went to a quiet area and stood around waiting for the game to catch-up with itself but it sill persisted. I'm playing on PS3.
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Re: Batman Arkham Origins

Postby Mr. Frozen » Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:28 pm

God dam I love this game. Batman has always been my favorite superhero since i was a kid and I always nerd out hardcore whenever I play a batman game. I pretty much jizzed my pants when the Joker was introduced in this game. The arkham series does a good job in capturing the essence of batman, but I wish they didn't try to always condense everything into one night. Would be nice to play as bruce wayne during the day.

Graphics in this game is amazing, btw. I am not sure how it is on consoles, but it looks great on my PC. The thing that impresses me the most are the snow effects. Guess which prints are the guard's and which prints are mine in this screenshot:


I did not like the fight with Deathstroke, though. The fight did require proper timing on counters to win, but Deathstroke is supposed to be a better fighter than batman. Batman should not be able to kick his ass so easily, I would have been a lot more satisfied if the fight ended in a draw, or maybe Batman having to rely on some sort of cheap tactic to defeat him.

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Re: Batman Arkham Origins

Postby Raithos » Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:50 pm

Yeah it's running great on my PC. I like it so far, but I'm not getting the same excitement I did when I played AA or AC. Don't get me wrong, it's just as fun as the others, just feels like something is missing. Still worth the 35 I paid for it that's or damn sure. I totally agree on the Deathstroke fight
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Re: Batman Arkham Origins

Postby OL » Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:17 pm

Yeah, broken record, but I just feel like Deathstroke was built up so much in the trailers (as well he freaking should be), only to be used for a whole 5-8 minutes... it ain't right. I thought the fight itself was a helluva lot of fun (I'm a sucker for epic mano-a-mano beatdowns), but I do agree, it should have ended with something a little more tactical.
I hope he shows up again though. Haven't beaten it yet, so it could always surprise me. Either way, there are still some other greats I have yet to encounter (taking my time and doing as much as possible, so I haven't encountered Bane, Firefly, Joker, or Deadshot yet).

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Re: Batman Arkham Origins

Postby Perfect_Chaos » Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:44 pm

havent finished it yet but my only real complaint is.....
i thought the main villain was gonna be black mask not the joker. sure we knew joker would be in it but i thought he would play a small part kind of like mr freeze in AC. as for the story i just feel like ive done this before. its a good story so far but i was hoping for something new and fresh
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Re: Batman Arkham Origins

Postby Crimson Ryan » Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:09 pm

Deathstroke was quite a good boss fight I thought. I did try and go for the trophy of never being hit with his tracks but after retrying about 5-6 times I just conceded and fought him out. I'll try again next time if I play this game again.
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Re: Batman Arkham Origins

Postby Perfect_Chaos » Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:01 pm

this game keep freezing during gameplay for anyone else here? its froze on me 3 times today while traveling through gotham. im on 360 btw
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Re: Batman Arkham Origins

Postby OL » Tue Oct 29, 2013 1:58 am

Oh man. Just finished the hotel.
The little origin sequence for the Joker was absolutely brilliant. It actually got it right. The whole relationship between Joker and Batman, why the Joker keeps doing what he does and all that. And I loved the way it fused together the whole Red Hood story with a bunch of freaky "Joker's mind" imagery. The brawl with him and the comedy club hecklers was great.
But the best part of all? How he's talking to Harleen Quinzel the whole time, so when he keeps mentioning how he "met someone special tonight," he manages to seduce her whilst actually talking about Batman. Extremely clever.

I'll be honest, I was actually readying myself for a lackluster story at first. For some reason I had this idea that this was going to come off as some kind of "second-tier" Batman game, an easy followup to Arkham City. And I was okay with that, because I just love the whole Arkham formula so much. Even the beginning of the game, when I was roaming around trying to get as much done right at the start as I could, I was getting this "hollow" feeling from it, like it just didn't have as much life to it as the first two.
But man, was I ever wrong. It just turned itself around and got incredibly awesome. Managed to surprise me.
And this may be absolute sacrilege... but Roger Craig Smith and Troy Baker as Batman and the Joker is actually just as good as having Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill. I'm actually tempted as hell to say... maybe they're even better. It's a bold statement to make, and granted, they are pretty much just doing impersonations of Conroy and Hamill (I'm not saying this to take anything away from them; they're still amazing). But I'm still finding myself very impressed either way. The acting is excellent.

Goddamn... I think I'm only about halfway through, too. Loving this game to pieces,

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