What movie are you watching right now?

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Kenny » Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:53 pm

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

You can see Gary Oldman suffering slowly as you watch it. This role is way too tame and conservative for him.

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby OL » Tue Jul 01, 2014 3:30 am

Way of the Gun.

Still a favorite of mine. A cool, clever, complex, quotable crime flick that was quickly forgotten, and never received the respect and acclaim that it should have. So damn re-watchable. I know I'm beating a dead horse with this next reference, but it's still insane to me that a hackneyed movie like The Departed (or just about any Scorcese crime flick, for that matter) can garner such attention and praise, but genuinely original, expertly-constructed movies like Way of the Gun get pushed to the side and brushed off. There is no justice in the film industry.
But goddamn, what a great Benicio del Toro performance. He's another of those actors that genuinely creates a lot of the characters he plays, on top of whatever the scripts call for. He's easily my favorite part of this movie.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Henry Spencer » Tue Jul 01, 2014 12:21 pm

Kenny wrote: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

You can see Gary Oldman suffering slowly as you watch it. This role is way too tame and conservative for him.

Yeah, that film was a big disappointment (and really overrated).
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Sonikku » Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:00 pm

The Wind Rises. It was good, if a little slow and long. But I've reached a point where these movies are worth watching for the animation alone these days.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Sun Jul 06, 2014 4:33 pm

I watched the original Star Wars trilogy, episode 4 5 and 6 this weekend. I really wish lucas hasnt changed so much from special editions, to dvd release to blu ray release... im honestly not sure which versions i watched. but they mostly had the special edition content in them, and the version of return of the jedi had christiansan at the end, which was kind of weird. It wouldnt be so bad if at the end of RotJ when Luke takes off vaders mask it looks some fat headed bald guy that looks nothing like christiansan. But thats what happens when there is such a large gap in the making of all these films.

Also really started getting my curious about what they are gonna do with episodes 7 and beyond.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Kenny » Sun Jul 06, 2014 4:54 pm

All I know is Rian Johnson is getting his dirty mitts on the next two episodes.


I shouldn't judge this early but haven seen Brick and Looper, and those two movies alone give me the intuition that this is NOT the right guy to do Star Wars at all. Neither is that fucker Gareth Edwards but thankfully he's only doing a spinoff. They'll probably over-complicate the story and make it way too serious which is not how Star Wars should be. Even in Empire, they treaded that ground carefully so it would still attain its campy roots (which is the basis for Star Wars).

It can't be too campy either, the prequels proved that. The original trilogy had that fine balance that I feel can never be replicated again.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby JohnBlack » Sun Jul 06, 2014 6:34 pm

A Tale of Legendary Libido

I cant believe that im watching this) But its really funny movie btw

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Sun Jul 06, 2014 6:42 pm

the key to moving forward with the film would be for it to return to the roots of the first film and be based more on emotion than in explanation

abrams talking about episode 7. I did kind of think the prequels made star wars a little too political, but at the same time it was interesting seeing that kind of exposure of what was going on in the back ground, that you didnt see in episodes 4-6. Obviously, alot is going in the background that we dont see in those films, plus the gray areas of time that are skipped over between new hope and empire, and empire and return of the jedi.

I must admit the new time period these movies are going to take place at seem a little boring. What could be better than the Jedi of prophecy? And that story? Doesnt seem like there is any way they could ever match episodes 4-6.

After just watching them, I can say that episodes 4-6 are great movies, but their stories are some what weak and just unrealistic at parts. Like those moments when everything just seems to conveiently fall into place and fit together (how on earth were they able to dodge that many blaster shots and are the storm troopers really that bad a aim? lol) a couple times it was like point blank range and they fired like 2 feet to the side of their targets and those storm troopers met their demise. Also some of the characters seem a bit dry too, although Han, Leia, r2 and 3p0 seem to have the most character of the mains.

Where star wars really shines is its art direction, creative know how, and ground breaking tech. The clothes, the ships, the weapons, even the audio and sound effects, things like that are so fine tuned in star wars its just incredibly impressive, its like they use all their own things in almost every aspect of the films. The talk and dialogue references things that you would honestly only really understand if you in that world (like the audience is gonna know what a nerf hearder is? haha) but those subtle things seem to tickle the imagination of the audience, and in episode 4 5 and 6 cases at least they over come what ever negative marks the rest of the film has.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby OL » Sun Jul 06, 2014 6:50 pm

Kenny wrote:I shouldn't judge this early but haven seen Brick and Looper, and those two movies alone give me the intuition that this is NOT the right guy to do Star Wars at all.

I dunno man, that seems kind of unfair, especially coming from another filmmaker. I mean, sure, his other movies aren't exactly akin to Star Wars from a mood perspective, but that doesn't necessarily mean he'll do a bad job with it. These things are usually decided upon based more on ability and technique, rather than tonal similarity to previous works. John Favreau, for example, hadn't done anything even remotely similar to Iron Man before, but he turned out to be just the right guy to kick that series off. I mean, would you want people to look at what you're making now and pass you over as a possible director for something, on the excuse that you're "just a horror guy"? I'm sure you have aspirations to do kind of a wide range of things, right? I'd have to think most filmmakers are like that.
All I know is I thought Looper was fantastic, so when I heard Jonson was doing one of the new Star Wars flicks, it sounded like great news. The guy is also a total dork, and I think that's one of the best things about the series being taken away from Lucas; we're now getting legitimate fans of the old movies to do the new ones. They'll no doubt want to make them more like the original trilogy, because everyone pretty much agrees that the newer trilogy was an ugly mess, and the series needs to revert back to what it once was.

And even if it does end up more serious and complicated, I don't know why that's necessarily something terrible. The Star Wars universe is kind of like Batman; there are tons of different ways to portray it. The multitude of videogames and "extended universe" stories we've gotten over the years prove that that kind of stuff can work really well. It's part of why the series has endured for so many years. And with Disney apparently lining up a variety of directors to tackle the series, we could end up with a whole bunch of varying takes on the same universe; that actually sounds really cool to me. I mean... why just retread the same old ground when you're dealing with an entire universe? The possibilities are endless if they're actually given a bit of leeway to do things differently.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Kenny » Sun Jul 06, 2014 8:13 pm

That's why I'm immediately moving onto other genres after this horror flick because I don't want to be "that guy". People especially in the genre I'm in constantly get trapped into doing the same thing over and over and I refuse to do that. I'm even doing this all on my dime to prove myself rather than just wait around and just hope someone can tell I do other things.

But Brick is a detective-noir and Looper is big budget sci-fi, both are written and directed by the same guy. So that already gives me an indication of what to expect. He also directed a couple of episodes of Breaking Bad. He's not a bad director by any means but, man, I hate how stiff and complicated his writing is. There's no humanity in his characters. No charm, no wit. They're stone cold DEAD on the inside. The fact he's also tasked with writing it is making me want to ram my head through a wall. I know you liked it and other people did too, but that film was pretty polarized so I belong in the other camp.

Hopefully Kasdan, Abrams, and even Lucas can keep him at bay so he won't go overboard. There are many interpretations of Star Wars already, I know that, but I really hate the "serious" ones. Like the Force Unleashed series. Holy crap it takes itself so seriously, it ends up being straight up laughable. And even the original ending that the producer Gary Kurtz wanted in Return of the Jedi was supposed to be really dark like the Millenium Falcon blowing up, Han Solo dying, and Luke Skywalker walking into the horizon by himself once all his comrades are dead after the fight.

I mean seriously, WTF kind of ending is that for something that's meant to be fun and light hearted, as indicated in the original film? Lucas was clearly in the right with that one. People give the Ewoks shit, but I prefer the Ewok celebration and Vader dying to save Luke and redeem himself over everyone being utterly annihilated. That was a proper way to end the franchise at that point.

Anyway I'm off at a tangent, but the reason why I'm so sour grapes about it is because this is the MAIN SERIES he's helming. If he was doing a spin off, sure fine. Whatever. Go crazy. But this is series canon he's messing with. That's like having someone take Chris Nolan's Dark Knight series and continuing it from there using a totally different angle from what he did using the previous actors and story arcs rather than just start over. Not that Lucas did any better with his prequels, but going the entire other way in the same series is just as wrong.

If they completely rebooted the original trilogy, then all this "dark stuff" would be okay. But to continue it? The Star Trek reboot handled the whole situation very nicely by making it a parallel universe so TOS wouldn't be "erased". I digress, maybe the extremely pretentious angle the new "Godzilla" movie was made in is making me EXTREMELY antsy of any other pretentious director getting their hands on what's supposed to be a simple, fun blockbuster series.

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby OL » Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:39 pm

Just finished watching the Back to the Future trilogy over the course of three nights. Been a while since I've seen it straight through like that.
The first movie is still obviously the best, no question, but I'm a little confused by the general consensus on the other two movies now. I personally love what both do for the trilogy, but it seems like most people generally love the second movie, but think the third is junk (or at least that's how I remember it; been a while since I've actually heard from anyone on the subject). And I'll never understand that viewpoint.
I can't necessarily say that it's the other way around for me, because I definitely don't think BTTF2 is "junk." I think the overall story is freaking fantastic; the whole idea of young Biff getting hold of a sports almanac from the future is brilliant. But the thing that hurts the movie for me is its portrayal of the future. It's just... too silly. Like, even for a movie made in 1990 this shit is ridiculous. Sure, I'm looking at it through modern eyes, so the inaccuracy of it all is going to stand out. But that's not really the problem; I don't mind the flying cars, self-drying clothes, or hoverboards. That stuff's all really cool, actually. The problem is the actual style of it all; it's the future as envisioned by the 80s. It just makes it too goofy by this point. And it's not helped by the fact that the filmmakers didn't even take it seriously; Michael J Fox plays his own daughter for chrissake. The only solace I can take is that this future could have been negated by everything Marty and Doc do after leaving it.
The rest of the movie is still excellent to me; the near-apocalyptic version of 1985 Hill Valley is great, and all the stuff that overlaps the events of the first movie is really clever. It's just the part based in the future that hurts it.
BTTF3, however, I've always loved, from start to finish. Do people just like it less because it's even further removed from modern day, and therefore think it's too outlandish? I don't really understand. I mean, I may be blinded by nostalgia or something (it is, after all, the only one I actually remember seeing in the theater), but at least it does something really different, whereas BTTF2 very much just repeated events from the first film, except skewed by a different time period. BTTF3 is funnier than the second movie as well, without being outright silly, and it does a great job of expanding Doc's character a bit more.
Personally I'd rate the movies like:
1. Back to the Future
2. Back to the Future Part III
3. Back to the Future Part II
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Peter » Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:18 pm

I wasn't expecting much from it because that type of movie is what it is, but there were a lot of moments I near busted a nut laughing at Johnny Knoxville's Bad Grampa. Even the behind the scenes had me in wrinkles. Ah man I cried with hysterics at that strip club scene. Jesus I rewound that bit a few times!

I don't mind Jackass because it is what it is, but I thought the real life mix with comedy was a good move. I thought they were clutching at straws with the hidden can movie, especially after Ryan Dunns death, but man I enjoyed it a hell of a lot!
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Kenny » Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:09 am

Dawn of Planet of the Apes.

You know how I always seem to bitch and complain and nitpick every little detail in every film nowdays?

Not this film...well, okay, the beginning could've been a tad better in some parts but after that the movie becomes UTTERLY AMAZING. And it's not just the special effects and the action that's great, the damn story was fucking awesome. I felt very choked up in some parts over a computer generated monkey of all things. When you make me get emotional over a fucking CG cartoon ape, a cartoon ape riding a goddamn horse wielding a machine gun of all things...something that's suppose to make my eyes roll and laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of it all...you know you're doing something right.

All the characters were three-dimensional. There was conflict surrounding both factions of the human and ape side that was completely believable, so unquestionably believable. The antagonists were so SYMPATHETIC and COMPLETE BASTARDS all at the same time, I absolutely loved what they did here. Brilliant writing. Brilliant acting on the ape end of things. Pretty decent acting on the human side, although Gary Oldman should've stolen the show.

Honestly, if it wasn't for that slow beginning, I would've given this a ten out of ten. No joke. Nearly perfect film, just as good as the original. If the third movie is just as good, this might be one of my top favorite trilogies ever.

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:49 pm

It wouldnt be that hard to beat the first film. I watched it recently because I was curious about Dawn. And while it was an enjoyable flick, there were plot holes and just unrealistic parts that had me me shaking my head and I thought to myself "this is never how it would be if that actually happened". But it was part one, and probably the most boring part of this multi-movie story, and lets face it, not a whole lot happened in the first movie, except the apes got infected and ran away haha but the story behind it wasnt incredibly awesome either, the humans story in the first film seems kind of tac'd on in the grand scheme of things, but could have been alot worse. I wanna go see Dawn, its looks alot more enjoyable even though it does seem kind of silly for the reasons Kenny said, but the first movie obviously was there just to build up to this one and beyond and im sure is hardly the climax.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Sonikku » Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:34 pm

The reviews have been stunning so far. And it has apes riding horses wielding machine guns. So it can't be all bad. Is Franco in this one?
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