Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

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Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

Postby punkmanced » Fri Apr 21, 2017 1:19 am

While Shenmue 3’s December release might still be up in the air, this one certainly isn’t.
Any thoughts on the new teaser?
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Re: Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

Postby John Doom » Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:29 am

:) The teaser was ok. It's too early to predict how the movie will be in terms of plot and quality.
8-[ Now I'm going to say something REALLY unpopular... My one and only concern is that, even with the few shots included in the teaser, I noticed some similarities between TLJ and TESB. I hope I'm wrong and that this movie will have a completely original story, unlike TFA, but I'm still a bit concerned :???:
Here's my post on originaltrilogy with a list of all the similarities:
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Re: Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

Postby Sonikku » Fri Apr 21, 2017 10:53 am

DIsney plays it far too safe with the new trilogy and after the high critical success of 7 I don't see that trend changing. (even though I personally did not care for it despite being a hardcore Star Wars fan) It's probably just going to be an Empire Strikes Back retread with Luke as the "new Yoda". I sorely wish they took the story in a new direction instead of just rehashing the original trilogy and pushing it as a sequel. As for the trailer, I don't really care for it, which is alarming because despite not liking 7, I still thought the trailer at least was great.

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Re: Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

Postby KiBa » Sat Apr 22, 2017 7:04 pm

Hope it's good. Loved both the new movies.
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Re: Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

Postby punkmanced » Sun Apr 23, 2017 5:08 pm

Sonikku wrote: DIsney plays it far too safe with the new trilogy and after the high critical success of 7 I don't see that trend changing. (even though I personally did not care for it despite being a hardcore Star Wars fan) It's probably just going to be an Empire Strikes Back retread with Luke as the "new Yoda". I sorely wish they took the story in a new direction instead of just rehashing the original trilogy and pushing it as a sequel. As for the trailer, I don't really care for it, which is alarming because despite not liking 7, I still thought the trailer at least was great.

VII was aimed at re-introducing a film series that had been maimed by its prequels. While I personally didn’t mind the overall familiarity- Star Wars is, after all, a generational saga full of repeating themes (desert planets; droids tasked with important missions; etc)- I can understand those like you, who felt the film was a bit of a missed opportunity. As lame as the prequels were, they certainly attempted to be groundbreaking.

Having said that, everything now seems to suggest that VIII will be rather bold in terms of direction; from past comments made by JJ Abrams calling it “weird”, to Mark Hamill recently stating that he had fundamentally disagreed with Luke Skywalker’s new arc (hinting that fans were in for a surprise). Couple that with the fact that Rian Johnson is writing and directing it, and we suddenly have a fascinating “something”, which IMO brims with potential.

Really looking forward to this one.

As for the new teaser- DGAF really.
The less they show the better; kind of like Shenmue 3 when you think about it.
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Re: Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

Postby punkmanced » Mon Oct 09, 2017 11:28 pm

Hype Bump activated
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Re: Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

Postby Bambi » Tue Oct 10, 2017 3:57 pm

Set my alarm this morning to book tickets for the midnight screening, now to arrange the time off work and a babysitter. 8-[

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Re: Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

Postby elfshadowreaper » Wed Oct 11, 2017 10:28 am

I’ve never done this before but I decided to not watch the most recent trailer. When Rian Johnson said it gavea little too much away I figured he said that for a reason. It’s not typical for directors to not want people to watch a trailer for their movie. I like Star Wars but I’m not a mega fan at this point. Maybe when I was 14.

So I typically watch any main trailer that comes out for movies I’m eager to see but with this one I think I’d like to go in and experience it without being spoiled by some of the shots.
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Re: Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

Postby FlagshipFighter » Wed Oct 11, 2017 6:48 pm

@elfshadowreaper I did the same thing as well. Mid December will come in no time, I might as well just see it fresh. Also for episode 7 I stumbled across a spoiler which really sucked so I don't want to engage with anything star wars before watching ep8.

(Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to watch episode 7 again)

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Re: Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

Postby Sokora » Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:58 pm

Prepare yourself for disappointment. Anticlimactic conclusions to various plot threads and some really odd story decisions. Got a bit bored halfway through. 2.5/5

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Re: Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

Postby OL » Sat Dec 16, 2017 1:35 am

Any hopes I might have had for it dropped off around the time the trailers started showing Rey practicing with her lightsaber looking like the freakin Star Wars Kid back from the dark ages of youtube. The Force Awakens kind of killed most of my interest in the series to begin with, but Silly Billy Rey and her wacky unwieldy lightsaber gave it the coup de grace.
Only reason I can conceive of to see the movie now is to see Mark Hamill on the big screen one more time.
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Re: Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

Postby Riku Rose » Sun Dec 17, 2017 7:29 pm

I really enjoyed VII and thought Rogue One was good although not 100% needed but I did not enjoy VIII.

It’s not as bad as the prequels but there are certain things that are almost as bad and it’s not good when I’m sitting there for sections of the film thinking this reminds me of the prequels. There are so many plot holes that it just makes it seem like everyone in the film is stupid as they could avoid 90% of the problems by talking. One twist had no reason to be a secret from the characters other then to surprise the audience. It’s also nice that the force can just do anything that is convient for the plot of the film now, even when it contradicts itself.

People seem to be praising this movie for taking risks but I don’t get it, doing something a little daring doesn’t automatically make it good because it’s surprising. I saw Luke at the end of the Force Awakens and thought he was going to be now the Obi Wan/Yoda figure but he doesn’t seem to have matured since Return of the Jedi. None of the characters have developed since the last film and none move forward at all in this one in terms of development. It really feels like they didn’t know what to do with the characters or couldn’t do much because of where they need them for Episode IX. You could also tell what toys they’re planning to sell this Christmas. At least BB8 and Ewoks contributed to the plots of the films but there are a few parts of the films where they clearly threw an animal in which contributed nothing to make a toy or show a few seconds of a scene which will probably be a comic.

Star Wars has always had humour but this felt like they was trying to make a Marvel film as there was a joke almost every minute, I love Marvel films but it really doesn’t suit Star Wars. There was serious moments completely ruined by someone making a joke that completely ruined any substance behind it.

My order of best to worst:
Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Force Awakens
A New Hope
Rogue One
Last Jedi
Revenge of the Sith
Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones

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Re: Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

Postby elfshadowreaper » Sun Dec 17, 2017 9:18 pm

Mega spoilers follow...

I went in for three things: Who is Snoke, who are Rey’s parents, what type of Jedi master is Luke. I was disappointed by all three...answers if you can call them that. Snoke gets no back story. Rey’s parents are nobodies, I guess. Luke stuff was great but he wasn’t the same Luke I remember and not for any compelling reasons. The stuff between him and Kylo was weak. When Luke shined in movie he was fantastic. And probably what annoys me the most is how Rey can just pick up a lightsaber and teach herself all she needs to know to be as good as someone who was taught by Luke Freaking Skywalker. No. For six movies we’ve been shown how Jedi are trained for years and years by Jedi masters but you expect me to believe someone with no prior training can just have natural talent to that degree? No. Next movie she’ll just read some books and be good at everything. No montage required. That’s not compelling growth in a character.
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Re: Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

Postby Your Boy Leroy » Mon Dec 18, 2017 11:24 am

Riku Rose wrote:
Star Wars has always had humour but this felt like they was trying to make a Marvel film as there was a joke almost every minute, I love Marvel films but it really doesn’t suit Star Wars. There was serious moments completely ruined by someone making a joke that completely ruined any substance behind it.

^ This was about the only problem I had with the movie, and unfortunately it was a pretty big one for me. I'm sick of this kind of humor being forced into big films. Yes, there was always a sense of humor in the Star Wars films, but that humor almost always stemmed organically from the characters, as if the funny remark or joke is something that the CHARACTER would say. In The Last Jedi (as well as practically all comic book films now), you see the actors breaking character to deliver some bullshit-ass snarky joke that sounds like it was written by a writer from The Big Bang Theory (fuck that bullshit-ass show too). I'm all about humor, but there's a time and a place for it. If the film doesn't take itself seriously when it needs to, then why should the audience?

Otherwise, the movie was entertaining. I just REALLY didn't expect to walk out at the end feeling disappointed.
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Re: Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi

Postby Thief » Mon Dec 18, 2017 7:39 pm

I'll have to gather my thoughts further, but my general thought right now is that the movie was pretty horrible and killed all my interest in Star Wars going forward. I remember thinking after the movie that it was Ok, in the sense that I knew what was happening in it and could follow the plot, but I felt like I needed to see it a second time to know what I really thought. Then I realized that I had zero desire to ever see it again... I'll wait til it's on tape and then watch it maybe. I'm sure somebody I know will let me borrow it.

As far as I'm concerned, this is legal canon only. It brings up an entire thought about who has the authority to assert what is "real" and "not real" in a fictional product. I mean Star Wars was sold to Dinsey... but does that mean that these movies are actually canon? Or are they canon by technicality? When is the point that we should actually care? I mean there was a point in time where Heir to the Empire was canon. It's all so silly. So here we have it, a movie that is canon... that is pretty much the antithesis of what either George Lucas or apparently Mark Hamill would have considered "true events", but because of a legal transaction, it exists as "true events" in a fictional work.

Oh well, Star Wars is dead. Disney will only be exploiting fans. Time to move on. The prequels may have been bad, but at least George Lucas wanted them to be good. Disney DOES NOT CARE if Star Wars is good. They only want your money.
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