Final Fantasy

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Postby Bluecast » Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:34 pm

I think the PS3 is no doubt the best hardware of the two and cheapest when you want to get the most out of it.

360 no doubt has the better lineup overall.
And damn right about RPGs and I really do like rpgs.
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Postby white lotus » Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:38 pm

At least I still have Fable 2.
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Postby JAPANFAN » Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:56 pm

Clint wrote:It's just a shame that 360 is getting these RPG's when PS3 has zero in this department. We need some RPG's for fuck sake.

That's my biggest gripe about the PS3. JRPGs are my favourite genre, and they're so underrepresented on Sony's system. Aside from Enchanted Arms, what is there? And what's the next thing to come? White Knight Story? That's probably still a ways off, and what's to come after that, I have no idea.

Give me JRPGs and I'll be happy as can be. Hell, at this point I'll even take some WRPGs, like Fallout 3.
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Postby Martin » Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:57 pm

Fuck. Totally did not see this coming. What with Kojima talking all that gas about MGS4 having to be cut-down to just about fit on a 50GB Blu-ray, and then Square announced Final Fantasy XIII for 360, which, in all honesty, proves the 'MGS4 Blu-ray-only' claims to be bullshit. If Final bloody Fantasy can deal with DVDs, MGS4 can. Anyway, I digress. This was a huge surprise, and while I couldn't really give a toss about the game (not a massive FF fan, though I did enjoy XII), it's undeniably a massive, massive coup for Microsoft. They may as well have gone up to the Sony booth, and done a shit on their counter. And then stuck a little flag in the shit that says "Sony, you're shit" on it.

You should see comments on YouTube and Sony forums.. PlayStation fanboys are going apeshit. LOL! I just don't know how Sony can deliver any sort of comeback to that. Halo 4 for PS3, lol?
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Postby MadeManG74 » Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:40 am

The days where Sony owned GTA, Silent Hill, Resi Evil, FF, DMC etc are long gone..

I think that is Sony's biggest blunder actually, they never actually OWNED those series, and they never made an attempt to own them either. MS bough up Bungie right away, and secured that Halo would forever be theres. They Publish Gears of War so that its always theirs, ditto Ninja Gaiden II and Mass Effect (sequels are another story, but still). Sony haven't bought or created enough talented devs to be sufficient on their own like Nintendo and Sega had, and they weren't making enough effort to keep their exclusives when the market share fell out from underneath them with the PS3.

You should see comments on YouTube and Sony forums.. PlayStation fanboys are going apeshit. LOL! I just don't know how Sony can deliver any sort of comeback to that. Halo 4 for PS3, lol?

So true! Theres already a petition online to stop FFXIII going to 360, they have zero reasoning for it, other than 'the fans feel betrayed'.
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Postby Who Really Cares? » Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:50 am

The reality is I shouldn't hate them for this. Microsoft did what they felt they needed to do in concern for their place in the video game industry and so did Square-Enix. I don't care though, emotions don't work that way. Right now I hate them and hope they die. I have these thoughts about them that I won't go into detail here. Usually I don't allow myslef to show too much emotion in my posts in how I actually feel about things of this nature, but this was like every bone was being ripped out of my body when I saw the end of that press conference. I knew it right away when I saw the Square-Enix boss come back up. I knew something was going to happen and I knew I was going to hate it. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to look at Final Fantasy XIII info for a while without cringing. I'll get over it some time, maybe tomorrow after I sleep on it, maybe not, whatever. It's seriously not that big of a deal and I will rationalize this whole debacle at some point while sitting, thinking to myself.

I'm not a fanboy. I am a fan of Sony Playstation and their products. I don't care what people say, but I do have a certain loyalty to a console maker who I've known for their great franchises and consoles for over a decade. I admit that. I want to see them do well, just like a fan of anything wants to see that thing do well. But I don't let it cloud my thoughts against other console makers. My thoughts and feelings can't change the reality of a situation which is why that's just stupid. I say the truth, supported by facts.

As FFXIII goes as a game, I also feel that this disrupts the development process. The power that the PS3 possesses over the XBOX 360 will not be fully realized in this game because the XBOX 360 will bring it down. ANd just the fact that they're now working on 2 consoles is a blow to development.

I've always felt a distaste for Microsoft, I've never been afraid admit that. Many of my posts here have been about that. I hate their method of business, and I hate how they put out some **** products such as the XBOXs. It's just totally disrespectful to put out something so faulty like the XBOX 360. I wish they didn't exist, at least not in the console video game industry. But it's always been more about the fanboys that get me. I didn't hate the XBOX 360 as much as some people liked to portray me. I hate Halo, but I don't hate every XBOX 360 exclusive franchise. I don't hate any franchise just because it's on a particular. I give praise when it is due. But I will also admit that I'll also admit I have no not to give as much praise to some XBOX franchises just because of how overrated I was seeing them onhere. I was just so disgusted with the fanboyism agains the PS3 and Sony. This is why I've felt the need to be so aggressive, even to the point people may feel that I've been a ****(which I don't actually care). I'm going to say what I feel needs to be said, that's what the internet is for.

People don't like a lot of things that I say, or the way I go about spreading my thoughts and feelings. I don't really care, as I've said this forum is a place for you to convey your thoughts and beliefs. I say what I feel on anything and I don't have to care about how anyone feels about it. The fact that people get angry at some of the things I say isn't a reason for me to stop saying what I feel. I don't care how people feel about me in real life when I say how I feel about certain topics. It probably makes me look like a **** or whatever, but I'm not going to worry about how other people feel on the internet especially.

I don't feel my opinion is worth more than anyone else's here. I don't think that people should care about what I say just because it's me. But I will call out stupidity, and there's a point when opinion isn't just red v. blue. They have certain standards that need to be attained when categorizing them into how good they are.

I'm aware of the fact that there are a lot of users on this board who don't like me. But at the same time much of it is just bandwagon hate because of a sheep/high school mentality many users on the Vesti have. I joke around a lot and make a lot more useless spam threads than I used to. I make more posts about anime than I used to. People don't like that, and for some reason to take it to a level of seriousness that they shouldn't. But if I stop just because they don't like it, they would. I can't allow anyone else to control me. I control myself. I feel that there is a lot of hypocrisy and double standards based off this bandwagon hate against me. I can make a thread and people will get angry(or at least act as if they are) despite the fact someone else could make it and nobody would care. And for some reason people feel they have some sort of say in what can be posted here. They rule nothing.

I've seen over the last several months the fanboyism go down much against the PS3. Obviously it's seen a big increase in sales over the last several months and seen price drops and amazing games like Metal Gear Solid 4. I haven't felt the need to be so agressive when it comes to the consoles and the console wars. I don't have to call out every fanboy because he said something that was wrong. And really, it's just gotten to the point where I don't want to always post about video games. I can just sit back and post about other things and post about the consoles whenever I feel the need to.

Final Fantasy is probably me favorite video game series of all time. This won't change. My feelings for the Playstation brand are nothing when it compares to what I feel about games. I've had some of my greatest experiences on Final Fantasy games and I love them. I care about the games first and foremost, and that's what I will always care about because that's what matters.

But seriously, this is nowhere near the end of PS3 or Sony. I laugh when I saw the thread about "I'm selling my PS3". The great thing about them is that there lineup hasn't been just about FF. It's been about a multitude of great titles. God of War III, Tekken 6, Gran Turismo 5, Metal Gear Solid, and Final Fantasy Versus. These are all just the headliners of an amazing Playstation 3 lineup still. The PS3 is also about it's extremely strong hardware in comparsion to other consoles(XBOX 360 fail rate 33-40%) and it's featues such as Blu-Ray. It's still a much better buy thnan any other console on the market because of it's value. This won't change, and I still see the PS3 outselling the XBOX 360 by a wide margin whe it comes down to it. Not to mention we haven't see Sony's E3 yet. People want to say they're down(when they're not), yet they still have another day tommorow and a lot of stuff to show.

I really don't want to be on the earth right nowanymore. I'm not specifically talking suicide(even though I feel that way somewhat), but I need to get into another world. Like a dream, a video game, or television show etc. I need to do something to get my mind of all of this. Am I taking it way too seriously? Probably, but I, like every human lacks any type of control over their emotions. This is just how I feel And right now I'm so emotionally unstable that I just felt the need to type all of this and I don't care how it looks.

Maybe I'll come back tomorrow and watch Sony/Nintendo's e3 conference, maybe I won't come back. At this point none of that is dominating my thoughts right now. I have other things on my mind, obviously. I'd just rather get some sleep at this point(which I've yet to do) and make it go away. ... 53/p1/?112

Really did like the ''I'm not a fanboy. I am a fan of Sony Playstation and their products'' Bit.

Wounder If Sony Knew about this before the announcement?
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Postby Bluecast » Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:46 am

Who Really Cares? wrote:blah blah blah

....I see....

Would you like to try a game of lucky hit?
How about a game of lucky hit?....the rule is...
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Postby My Best Day is Gone » Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:28 am

always fun to see Clint on defense when someone attacks his PS3 despite all the attack on other platforms he has done personally himself :lol:
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Postby HappyKillmore » Tue Jul 15, 2008 6:20 am

Clint wrote:
360 is full of extra costs,

This is what you PS3 owners never understand. Its full of extra costs if you actually WANT the extra stuff. Not everybody has Wifi, so they wouldn't buy a wireless adapter. Not everybody wants to play online, so they wouldn't pay for live. not everybody needs a large hard drive. Of course the 360 is going to be more expensive if you slap on all the extras, but they're not needed for the console to do its primary function, play games.

Clint wrote: they fucking break. They are half-arsed, cheap consoles. End of story.

Stop living in 2006, the redesigned 360s are a lot more reliable. At worst, 1 in 4 consoles used to break, so the odds are in your favour for your console not breaking.

Clint wrote:but don't come to me saying it's a more stable or well-designed machine, because you're fucking kidding yourself.

When did i once say that :? ?

Clint wrote:No games? lol. You're a typical Sony-basher who clearly doesn't own the fucking console. I've had a blast with the few games i've got. MGS4, GTA4, Uncharted, Resistance, Oblivion. 3 of those are exclusive.

This is a laugh. No, i don't own the console, but my best friend does, and i play on it at least once a week. Its funny how you couldn't even name 5 good exclusive titles. I've played MGS4, and Unchartered, and they're good, but two good games aren't worth paying £300 for. I'm not including resistance in that, because its a half-arsed attempt at a shooter that just nicks bits from other shooters.

Oh, and i'm a pretty bad microsoft fanboy considering i own more Sony consoles than Microsoft consoles, i even have more nintendo consoles for that matter.

Clint wrote:Chances are, all your favourite games came from a Sony machine.

Think again,

Was Shenmue on a Sony machine?

Was Gears of War on a Sony machine?

Was Sonic Adventure on a Sony machine?

Was Virtua Fighter on a Sony machine?

Did the Elder Scrolls series come from Sony?
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Postby Clint » Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:50 am

^Look, I can't be arsed mate. I'm not saying the 360 is a bad console, i've already agreed it has the best lineup, all i'm saying is PS3 - as a machine - is just far superior.

And as for your exclusive games comment, I only own those 5 games mate.

I'm off to the gym, i'll be back inabit.
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Postby Martin » Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:40 am

I don't own either console, and I'd never buy a PS3 now. It's a useless piece of shit. I'd buy it if I wanted a Blu-ray player. Which apparently is what a lot of PS3s were bought for, which is one of the reasons it doesn't have many games, and the games it does have are jumping ship. The PS3 has the lowest installed base, and even out of them, many only use it mainly for films etc, not for games. The "360 breaks easily" issue is indeed shameful part of the console's past.. but it's just that, a part of the console's past. The new (last year) Falcon chipset fixed the issues, and now the 360 is no more likely to break than a PS3. I don't know anyone with a Falcon 360 who's had any issues. Any. Not that it matters, since you get a free 3 year warranty with every 360, anyway.

I've never heard of a PS3 breaking.. but then I only know two PS3 owners. Both of which are pretty dissatisfied with it as a games machine. 360 has better games, better graphics, and is cheaper. PS3 may be more fully-featured, but as a games console it sucks harder than the other two do. I think all three current gen consoles are pretty shit, though. I prefer my PS2 to all of them.
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Postby Clint » Tue Jul 15, 2008 1:07 pm

i'm watching the e3 expo right now and Nintendo are showing some shit game called Wii music.

What a fucking joke they have become.
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Postby Bluecast » Tue Jul 15, 2008 1:31 pm

Clint wrote:i'm watching the e3 expo right now and Nintendo are showing some shit game called Wii music.

What a fucking joke they have become.

fuck nintendo.

Seriously fuck them let them die.

I like the Wii but I never saw such a piss poor presentation ever..seen better in high school with valley girls get up to speak.
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Postby Clint » Tue Jul 15, 2008 1:36 pm

-Ryudo- wrote:
Clint wrote:i'm watching the e3 expo right now and Nintendo are showing some shit game called Wii music.

What a fucking joke they have become.

fuck nintendo.

Seriously fuck them let them die.

I like the Wii but I never saw such a piss poor presentation ever..seen better in high school with valley girls get up to speak.

lol the Wii Music had me in stitches.
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Postby Martin » Tue Jul 15, 2008 1:56 pm

Yeah, NIntendo's conference sucked even harder than Microsoft's conference, yesterday. If that's even possible. So, MS = shit, Nintendo = even shitter, all eyes on Sony, tomorrow lol! They're going to announce Halo 4, exclusively for PS3, I reckon.
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